Your support matters

Make a Donation

Thanks for supporting our mission to support writers whose work reflects the spirit and passions embodied in Ellen’s writing and her commitment to a “deep map of place.”

Join our Sustainer’s Circle

Consider joining our Sustainer’s Circle and help us keep desert writing alive into perpetuity. Designate a set contribution to the Ellen Meloy Fund to be charged automatically to your PayPal account each month. Simply click on the “Donate” button below and select “Make this a monthly donation” to enroll as a Sustainer.


Award Applications Only

If you are an applicant for the annual Ellen Meloy Fund Award for Desert Writers, follow these instructions to pay your application fee:

  • Click the “Donate” button below. 

  • Enter $15 as the amount. 

  • In the form section ‘Add a note,” write ‘Award Application Fee.’   

  • Make sure the name associated with your payment matches the name on your application


To donate by mail, send checks to: 
DA Davidson 
40 W 14th St. 
Helena, MT 59601